Our Guarantee
If, upon receipt, the piece is not up to your expectations, please notify us immediately at guillaumefoliot9@gmail.com
We will arrange a call and review the issue. Understanding you is essential to us.
For boxes, if you nevertheless wish to return the item and cancel the purchase, you are free to do so. Funds will be processed to your account within 5 working days after receipt of the box back in Sweden. On the same account used to pay your box. As each piece is bespoke, handcrafted based on decisions made by the customer, we will nevertheless retain a 20 percent compensation fee to cover part of our commitments.
​In the unlikely event your item is faulty, please notify us immediately at guillaumefoliot9@gmail.com Kindly return the good to us, and provide us with the shipping bill for reimbursement. Your box will be fixed immediately and resent to you.